Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle: Is It Normal?

Understanding your menstrual cycle can sometimes feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. Each person's cycle is unique, but how do you know if yours is normal or if there are hormone imbalances at play? Let's break it down into simple steps.

Timing: Your period usually shows up every 21 to 35 days. That's about once a month, but it can vary. If your period doesn't stick to this schedule all the time, don't worry too much. Stress, illness, and changes in routine can all shake things up a bit. But if you find it’s way off the mark and you never know when to expect it, there could be some bigger factors at play that warrant more attention.

Length: Most periods last anywhere from 2 to 7 days. If yours lasts longer than a week, that’s an indication that your cycle needs some attention. As a fertility coach, I can help you figure out what’s going on that’s led to longer bleed time!

Flow: Period flow can range from light to heavy. It's normal to change pads or tampons every 4 to 6 hours. If you find yourself changing them more often than that, or if you notice lots of clots, it's time to dig into what’s going on in your body. 

Pain and Discomfort: Feeling some cramps or discomfort during your period is pretty common - that doesn’t make it normal. And if you’re finding the pain is so bad that it interferes with your daily activities, it's definitely time to reach out. Symptoms are like little red flags, waving us down and warning us that something isn’t right!

Other Symptoms: Many people experience bloating, mood swings, or fatigue before their period starts. These premenstrual symptoms are usually an indication of hormone imbalance, mineral deficiency, toxic overload, or stress. There is always more going on than what we experience on the surface. Take PMS as an invitation to dig into the types of support your body needs. 

Changes: Your period might not always be the same, and that's okay. But if you notice sudden changes in your cycle or start bleeding between periods, it's a good idea to get it checked out. That’s why it’s so important to track every day of your cycle, not just bleeding days. The full picture helps us to identify where to start when things run off course.

Considering Hormone Balancing with a Fertility Coach:

If you suspect your cycle is irregular or if you're experiencing hormonal imbalances, working with a fertility coach might be the move for you! Fertility coaches specialize in understanding the intricacies of reproductive health and can offer guidance on hormone-balancing techniques, lifestyle changes, and nutrition adjustments to support a healthy menstrual cycle. We’re also a great resource if you’re looking for answers to any of those questions that might feel TMI! 

Fertility coaches can provide personalized strategies to optimize hormone levels and address irregularities in your cycle. In my practice, I employ holistic approaches that focus on nurturing the body and mind, promoting overall well-being alongside reproductive health as I help you to understand your cycle!

If you're curious about digging into the root cause behind your symptoms or want support in understanding your menstrual cycle better, consider booking a discovery call to explore working together. I always say that a fertility coach is just one part of your Wellness Team - we can offer valuable insights and tailored recommendations to help you navigate hormone harmony and support your fertility journey. 

Remember, your body is unique, and what's normal for someone else might not be normal for you. Keeping track of your period and any changes can help you understand your body better. And don't hesitate to seek help if you need it. You are in charge of your health!


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